Mad Tom is a beggar, looking every bit the part with his army-surplus gear and wizardly grey beard, muttering a pastiche of literature and rhythmic chant. He hauls Dane the hell out of there and barely has time to explain that he's the leader of a cell within the secret society known as the Invisibles and Dane is their newest recruit, before he disappears, leaving Dane alone and homeless on the streets of London. He tears into Harmony House, its staff, and finally its headmaster, with handguns and your basic contemporary-action-hero kung fu. King Mob is a fury in shock white hair, a curious diving-mask thing, and an even more curious black vinyl jacket that looks like it's had little black-vinyl Dixie cups glued to it all over. Nothing short of an armed rescue team could save Dane now. He alludes repeatedly that he may have a changed sort of sight, and with Dane cornered and his establishment caught red-handed, he prophesies what Dane will become, like himself: "smooth between the ears, smooth between the legs". Gelt, a corpulent ghoul in a dark suit and darker glasses. An alarm sounds, and he's caught by the headmaster, Mr. Dane, of course, goes sneaking around and finds some rather nasty remnants of the House's former clients.

The folks who run Harmony House claim openly that they will turn their charges into hollow shells who will thank Harmony House for teaching them what authority really means. He's in the midst of the latter when he's apprehended, and sent to a very strange correctional facility for boys, called Harmony House. And much has been left out of this summary.)ĭane McGowan is a long-haired blond kid from Liverpool whose interests include stealing cars and running them into ditches, and setting his school building on fire with various crude explosives.

(Spoilers of the first four issues below, but the first four issues really don't spoil much of anything, themselves acting as a kind of preview.